Alyssia Beneux


“Choosing H|G was effortless for me as owner/Broker Justina sold me a house just a year ago. She made the process go effortlessly and I knew I wanted to learn from the best. I’ve thought about pursuing real estate for 15+ years and fear held me back, now fear of missing out is what is driving me forward.”


If you are looking for an agent who believes in hard work and never backing down from a challenge, look no further. Homegrown in the River Valley, Alyssia Beneux spent many years watching the work of her grandfather, father, and uncles in the construction business and developed a deep affinity for the process of a house becoming a home. Combining this with her love of helping others, she is an agent that helps her clients find exactly what they’re looking for, no matter the obstacles.

As with many top agents, Alyssia has a multi-faceted background that uniquely equips her to serve clients. Having a family background in construction, she has remodeled and built a few homes with her husband, giving her insight into the challenges of building a home “from scratch.”  Alyssia also has a degree in psychology and for ten years, she has served in school-based counseling. Helping students set goals and activate realistic steps to achieve them has been a primary focal point of her career in the field. This laser focus on goals and not losing sight of purpose are exactly the type of characteristics that make her an invaluable asset to her clients. Whether you are buying a home or selling one, have great credit or no credit at all, she has a trained eye for assessing your needs, setting goals, communicating expectations, and executing the steps necessary for a successful transaction.   

When she’s not showing a house or submitting contracts, you’ll find Alyssia at every ball game and activity her kids participate in, ready to cheer them on with fervor. She and her husband of 25 years have three children, and they enjoy spending time together, especially if it involves water and the outdoors. Outside of family time, Alyssia found that barre workouts help her release the stresses of everyday life and now teaches barre one to two times per week.